Porphyry Copper Deposit

Technical Datasheet

World class porphyry copper deposit with oxides and sulfides resources; the main minerals present are copper, gold, silver, molybdenum, and arsenic as impurity.


This project’s main challenge was to integrate the geological and resources models on site with the broken material model (from block caving mining), as well as incorporating the structural model of the deposit as grade control.


The main activities GeoEstima carried out were: validation, revision and adjustments of the drillhole database delivered by the client. This was the basis for the development of a 3D geological model that included structures, lithology, alterations and mineral zones with the Leapfrog® Geo software. With this information, copper, gold, molybdenum, and arsenic grades were estimated using Isatis® software. The classification of resources was also carried out applying the results of the estimation. Finally, in the geometallurgical area, a copper recovery and acid consumption model were carried out.

Probing meters


Commodity type


Hours, man


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