Polymetallic Project

Technical Datasheet

The deposit under study is one of the largest polymetallic deposits in the planet and corresponds to an intermediate sulphidation hydrothermal deposit.


This project’s main challenge was modelling the structural complexity of the deposit and the controls associated with the mineralization.


The main activities carried out by GeoEstima consisted in: validation, revision, and adjustments of the drillhole database delivered by the client, this led to the creation of a 3D geological model including lithology, orientation domains of mineralization and grade-shell, with the Leapfrog® software. This information allowed estimating grades with the Minesight® software, using the regular kriging linear interpolator. The classification of resources was also carried out applying the results of the estimation.

Probing meters


Commodity type

Zn, Pb y Ag

Hours, man


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