Economic geology and estimation of mineral resources
Our team and associates have the experience to prepare and report mineral resources for a wide range of commodities, geological settings and mining methods. GeoEstima approaches resource estimates by holistically combining geological conceptualization with all available data, focusing on best practices, model traceability and reproducibility.
Geological 3D modeling
Geological modeling consists of the three-dimensional interpretation of any continuous geological variable, coming from the information of:
- Drillholes
- Blast-holes
- Geological maps
- Structural information
- Geophysics
Mineral Resource Evaluation
The Mineral Resource is defined as the concentration or occurrence of material in quantity and quality, in such a way that there is a reasonable appreciation of its technical-economic potential. The location, tonnages, contents, geological characteristics, and the degree of continuity of the mineralization is estimated, known, or interpreted from specific geological, metallurgical, and technological evidence (Mining Commission of Chile).
• Review and validation of geological databases
• Geological conceptualization of the type and style of mineralization
• 3D geological modeling
• Estimation of ore grades, by-products and contaminants, generally using geostatistical tools.
• Conditional simulation of geology units and ore grades using geostatistics
• Evaluation of the uncertainty of the geology and ore grades
• Definition of classification criteria for mineral resources and mining reserves.
GeoEstima approaches the estimation of the Mineral Resource holistically combining the geological conceptualization with all available data, focusing on the best practices, traceability and reproducibility of the models.
Due Diligence and audits
We carry out technical reviews of all stages related to the evaluation of mineral resources and geometallurgy, considering opportunities and risks, both in exploration projects, pre-feasibility studies, feasibility and in mining operations.
• Process and analyze large data sets
• Understanding of the key aspects of the mining business
• Identify the technical aspects that provide our clients with a vision of opportunities and risks.
• Extensive understanding of the value chain and workflow related to the evaluation of mineral resources, mineral reserves and mining business strategy.
Mine Geology and Ore Control
Mine geology and mineral control activities are essential for mining operations whose main objective is to define the types of materials within the mine, the destinations of these materials (mineral to process, stockpile or dump) based on data and geological information. Additionally, Geoestima makes reconciliations between the different models (long-term vs. ore control) and with the operational data of the mine and process plant We approach this service based on real experience in mining operations, with the aim of implementing best practices, detecting opportunities and generating value.
• Administration and management of databases
• Quality control process (QA/QC)
• Short term models
• Ore control
• Reconciliations
Geometallurgy is the discipline in charge of predicting the metallurgical response of minerals in a deposit, determining the relationship between geological attributes with metallurgical responses under standard laboratory conditions and providing a solid foundation to support metallurgical scaling to an industrial plant.
Our service INCLUDES
• Representative distribution of geometallurgical samples
• Definition of test standards
• 3D modeling of mineralization and gangue based on geological ground information, drilling and laboratory sampling.
• Regionalization of metallurgical parameters based on geological domains
• Geostatistical estimation of metallurgical parameters in block models.
• Analysis of process scenarios from geostatistical simulations.
Mining services and reserve estimation
Our services are backed by extensive operational experience and technical-economic knowledge, which allows us to take a look at typical mining engineering services such as Mine Planning, Mine Reserve Estimation, Operations Optimization, Technical Audits, due diligence and Financial evaluation of mining projects with a strategic and holistic perspective. Adding maximum value to our client providing objective information in their strategic planning and decision-making processes.
The scope of our services covers the stages from conceptual studies to feasibility including the relevant technical studies for the preparation of mineral resource and reserve reports, as well as all the necessary instruments to comply with regulatory entities and capital markets.

Strategic mine planning and management control
We have deep technical knowledge, operational experience and financial knowledge that allow us to support companies in not reinventing the wheel when it comes to strategic technical planning, workflows, management and operational planning. We can provide objective information in your strategic planning processes.

Decision analysis and risk assessment
We are focused on providing comprehensive advice and services that minimize technical risk and maximize opportunities associated with better mining and processing of your mineral asset. Understanding that mining is perceived as a “risky business”.
Innovation and development
The evaluation of Mineral Resources is closely linked to the use of software and technologies. GeoEstima is in a constant search to optimize traditional processes, in order to have a greater number of scenarios available in order to achieve the best result, optimizing the value of projects based on experience, knowledge and the use of technologies. Use of available tools and development of new processes holistically combine geological conceptualization with process innovation.
Our service INCLUDES
• Advice on data capture technologies
• Applied technological solutions (Python, Machine learning)
• Training and Introduction of new software in your work scheme.
• Training applied to the problems of each client.
• Implementation and automation of new processes

GeoEstima is committed to the use of the best tools for the development of its activities, which impacts the quality and response capacity of its projects.